Time Flies When You’re Having Fun!

Time does fly!   It is hard for me to believe over a year has gone by since I started my blog, PALATABLE ADVENTURES.

I looked over my goals in starting this blog…
This blog is to hold me accountable to teach myself and my girls cooking basics and two new recipes per month.  Inspiration may come from
~places we have been
~recommendations from friends and family
~or from sources of interest like Pinterest or just good old fashioned cookbooks

As I look at my purpose in doing this, I see that it accomplished what I wanted and more.  I learned many new recipes.  I found my children in the kitchen with me, learning as well.  I sampled various types of foods from places I have visited, and tried to recreate them at home.  And my pictures, while still amateur, have improved from last January.  I have actually loved these Palatable Adventures.

~Sweet Adventures

~Movie Inspired Adventures

~Healthy Adventures.

~(not so) Healthy Adventures.

~Traveling Adventures.

I look forward to 2016 and the adventures that await, the people I may meet and discovering what God has in store for me.


“New York, New York”

Taking my two youngest daughters to New York this summer was an experience….

….An experience in navigation as I was the main adult in charge of trying to get us around the city. It made my girls a little nervous since I can still get lost in downtown Austin after living there for 18 years!IMG_7048[1]


…An experience in “fast food” as we tried to grab a quick bite in an overcrowded restaurant.  My daughters tended to sleep in late, which made us rush to our destinations on a daily basis. A bagel on the subway was our breakfast on most days!

IMG_7059[1]…An experience in being street smart as a homeless man tried to steal my money in the subway.  My daughter, Olivia, may not look tough but she did scare the man away!!  She was my hero that day!

…An experience in acting cool while seeing a celebrity crossing the street, and trying to tell my daughter to hurry and take the picture because it’s Meg Ryan…while she asks “who is Meg Ryan” ????IMG_7462[1]

…and of course an experience in cupcakes and cannoli…and finding out again that my favorite place to get a cupcake in New York is Sweet Revenge.

I do love New York City!  And I am so thankful I had the chance to experience this wonderful city with my girls.

Lady Liberty

And of course experiencing tasty sweets and Italian food makes me wish I could duplicate it all at home.  I don’t think I can match the cannoli but I will continue to give the cupcakes a hearty try.  Below are some pictures from our trip, delicious food, Empire State Building and Central Park.   I am ready to go back!