Chocolate Covered Pretzels

Chocolate Covered Pretzels

White Almond Bark.  (I use GHIRARADELLI White Chocolate Chips or Ambrosia White Bark Coating)
24 Pretzel Rods (I use Snyders Pretzels)
2 to 3 cups of assorted sprinkles or favorite sweets

Line a baking sheet or counter with parchment paper or a silicone Pastry Mat
In a glass, microwave safe dish, melt 5 small bars of the chocolate on medium for 1 minute
Take out and stir (stir with lumps or not quite melted as it will melt as you stir)
Do not let any water be in the bowl or on the spoon as this will cause the chocolate to clump (and do not overheat)

Dip each pretzel and let the remaining chocolate drizzle off (I tap gently on side of the bowl as excess slides off)
Hold over another bowl or cup and shake sprinkles or candies on pretzels
Lay flat on the parchment paper or silicone mat

These do not take long to set.  Enjoy!