One Cupcake goes a long way


One Cupcake can say a lot of things:
I am thinking of you
You are sweet
We are friends
You are worth it
I care about you
and last but not least…Happy Birthday!

One of my most precious friends has a birthday in April. She is so kind and always willing to taste my sweet creations and give me her honest opinion…too dense, too sweet, not sweet enough, etc. I love her feedback and trust her palate!! I asked her what type of cupcake she would like for her special day and she requested Lemon Blueberry Cupcakes.

I had made these previously and really liked them, so I was happy when she chose this flavor cupcake. Β My husband was too!

This little cupcake says so much more than Happy Birthday. Β It says “you are special” and “I am glad we are friends”.



One last thing…does anyone else out there have a kitchen that looks like this while you are baking or is it just me???




27 thoughts on “One Cupcake goes a long way

  1. Oh my! Those cuppy cakes look delish! πŸ™‚
    My kitchen always looks like a bomb went off when I’m cooking! My momma told me……that’s the sign of a great cook! πŸ™‚
    Thanks for being real girl!
    Oh happy day! πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Sharon! πŸ™‚ I love what your momma told you…I will just tell myself that when I look at my messy kitchen next time! I thought the cupcakes turned out very tasty, Carol loved them as well, so YAY for birthdays and excuses to make cupcakes! πŸ™‚


  2. Lovely combination of flavors. Your kitchen looks real, the tv kitchens on cooking shows must have someone cleaning up after them to look so neat and tidy. Mine is a mess and the pile of dishes for washing up is incredible sometimes! Keep those cupcakes cooking!


    • Thanks Nancy! It sure would be nice to have someone cleaning up after me though! πŸ™‚ I did love these flavors together. It was just the right amount of lemon and blueberry. Thanks again.


    • Thanks! πŸ™‚ And the frosting is actually a lemon buttercream. I did make a cake that had cream cheese frosting and it is really good! I am obsessed with cream cheese icing as well!! YUM! πŸ™‚


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